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Lading- en brandstofverwarming voor zeeschepen



Ladingverwarming voor binnenvaarttankers

Cargo and fuel heating for seagoing vessels

The Konutherm marine thermal oil heating systems are commonly applied for heating the ships fuel (HFO-heavy fuel oil) and/or liquid cargo. Our systems are usually also providing the heat for auxiliary systems (HVAC, hot water, etc.) on a ship. In addition of a directly fired heater, significant fuel can be saved by installing a waste heat recovery heater (economiser) in the exhaust gas stack of the main engine(s). These exhaust gas heaters are specially designed to recover maximum energy from the hot flue gases of the ships engine and may provide enough energy for all consumers when well designed. This fuel saving concept is commonly used for the advanced seagoing vessels and supply vessels and is an economic alternative for steam heating systems. A properly designed thermal oil installation can quickly provide significant fuel savings even under severe operating conditions. The thermal oil heating systems from Konutherm are known for their long life, low maintenance and high efficiency.

The Konutherm exhaust gas heat recovery economisers are equipped with an ingenious and robust upstream gas valve system as standard, which ensures that the thermal oil temperature is kept at the desired level. In the event of an emergency the exhaust gas valve opens automatically to bypass which prevents possible overheating/cracking of thermal oil. As a result our systems do not require inefficient dump coolers for protecting the thermal oil in the economiser. And that is another big plus compared to most of low budget thermal oil heating systems. The Konutherm systems do not require to change the thermal oil during their operational lifetime. Thanks to these characteristics, the Konutherm thermal oil heating systems are well-known for their high quality,  reliability and low maintenance. Our design is based on maximum heat recovery which results in minimum fuel consumption, where the system efficiency remains high during the complete lifetime of the ship.

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Konutherm thermal oil heating systems can be designed in accordance with the rules of prevailing classification agencies such as BV, LRS, ABS, DNV-GL, Rina, CCS and RMRS.

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Cargo heating for inland tankers

On inland vessels and inland tankers, the Konutherm thermal oil heating systems are used for heating cargo. You can think of HFO, fuel oil, bitumen, asphalt, chemicals and lubricating oil. Usually only a direct-fired boiler is used for this, that is without a secondary system in the form of a waste gas boiler. In this case heat transfer takes place via the heating of thermal fluid as thermal oil, hot water or water glycol in the spirals of the boiler.

Fully customized and safe

In the case of shipload in the form of edible oil for the food industry, a so-called ‘food grade’ thermal oil can also be used. When the type of liquid charge (for example special combustible chemicals) so requires, the heating systems can also be equipped with a completely separate primary and secondary circuit of thermal oil, hot water or a combination of both. Thus no risky liquid cargo can enter the boiler room.

Reliable and efficient

The high-quality Konutherm thermal oil heating systems are characterized by their quality, reliability, high efficiency and long, virtually maintenance-free service life. Partly thanks to these characteristics, these systems are frequently used in the demanding inland navigation sector.


Our systems are delivered in accordance with the rules and regulations of the classification applicable to the inland vessels, such as BV, LRS and DNV-GL.

Ask our experts for advice

Both the engineering and the implementation and installation of your thermal oil boiler or water glycol heating system are supervised from our office and at your location. Every new construction, conversion, optimization or maintenance will be arranged quickly and professionally. So keep your head cool and ask your experts for advice.

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